Executive Interview

Executive Interviews
An Interview with
Clement Chan Ding Bong
Starwave Workshop Limited
Starwave is a fast growing start-up with core business in the development and the operation of Web 3.0 space and metaverses. We specialise in blockchain engineering, game design & development, intellectual property (IP) management with an all-rounded ACGN (Animations, Comics, Games, Novels) development, including but not limited to music, movies, sports, shows, etc.
Our mission is to develop innovative and sustainable products in the Web 3.0 Space & Our vision is To create innovative applications of metaverse in one click.
The main business model of Starwave divides into three main aspects, including (1) our first flagship project Souls of Wuxia in metaverse NFT plus ACGN and gamefi, and (2) decentralised applications (dapps) as web3.0 SARS tools for providing a better user-friendly and non-tech required for the public.
Starwave Group - Corporate Video #metaverse #web3 #nft #gamefi
Souls of Wuxia Trailer by Starwave Group
Game Development Video by Starwave Group
Publish Date:
23 September 2022
Hong Kong
Tell us about your background, and how you came to found your company?
Master Clement Chan Ting Bong was born and raised in a Buddhist family, he began learning Buddhism under his father, and studying respective religions and Chinese Metaphysics since the age of 13. He graduated from The University of Sydney - Bachelor of Science, majored in IT and minored in psychology, and had an opportunity of studying Western Astrology. Clement specializes in Zi Wei Dou Shou (紫微斗數), 8 Words Reading (八字), Qi Men Dun Ja Divination (奇門遁甲)、Face Reading (面相) and respective Feng Shui (風水), etc., particularly resolving love and relationship problems.
Clement is also a famous serial entrepreneur and a frequent media visitor. He has been the advisor in numerous listed companies and also invited as a lecturer by universities and international corporations. He strives to excavate talented programming experts to build a better lifestyle in the past decades. Starwave will be one of his signatures!
Clement has participated various television and radio programs as the host and guest, including TVB, Cable TV, Metro Radio, Commercial Radio and The America's Next Top Model. He was invited by Mohegan Sun Casino, US as a guest speaker in 2013, and to be the first Chinese speaker who talk about Metaphysics in Harvard University, US in March, 2015. At the same year, US media - Associated Press invited Master Chan for 2016 worldwide forecast.
In addition, Clement has been frequently interviewed by popular journals and magazines. He has published Metaphysical books, articles and columns regarding Feng Shui, relationships and Metaphysics. He has conducted numerous lectures, seminars and workshops for both Chinese and Western Astrology. He also renders Feng Shui services in China, Macau, Southeast Asia and USA, etc.
Regarding to Clement’s academic background in Science and IT, he expanded his start-up business to blockchain and Web 3.0 industry last year. With decades of holistic gameplay and few years of metaverse NFTs investment experiences, he has incubated several IT young elites around the world and formed his first IT company, Starwave Workshop Limited. Under his leadership, Starwave grows up steadily, especially in strategic partnering with some industrial leaders, including The Sandbox in game development inspiration with the public in HK, EventX in metaverse market development in Southern Asian countries, and other more ACGN (animation, comic, game, novel) development in gamefi industry with different famous IP brands. Moreover, Clement brings his Chinese culture to the team and will launch the first flagship metaverse gaming project – Souls of Wuxia. It will be a star gamefi project to the world in 2023!
What is most important to you and your organization – mission, vision, or core values? Why?
The mission and vision of Starwave is to be one of the most powerful IT companies in Hong Kong, especially related to blockchain. The difference between Starwave and other blockchain companies is that we actually can build a brand because we have the blockchain technology, which HK is lack of these elites. We also have artists, including a famous comic artist, Mr. Jerry Cho 曹志豪 and a young talented musician, and a strong marketing team in strategic planning so that we can build a Web3.0 IP brand. Clement doesn't think that IT is necessarily in Japan or Korea, Hong Kong can also create good products.
Can you explain briefly how your service(s)/product(s) works?
Starwave, innovating the Web 3.0 Space! This is the slogan of Starwave. We strive to incubate more and more innovative an user-friendly Web 3.0 technological tools to the world.
1. Game Design & Development
Starwave builds all kinds of mobile/video/computer/VR games varying from FPS to MMORPG with state-of-the-art game engines, featuring cutting-edge blockchain and Web 3.0 technologies.
2. Blockchain Engineering
Starwave helps businesses in different industries transform their Web 2.0 operations into Web 3.0 counterparts, as known as dapps - decentralized applications. Battle-tested smart contracts are developed and deployed to the blockchain by our top engineers to complement each dapp.
3. NFT Design & Development
Starwave provides one-stop NFT development service, which includes IP-NFT conversion, original NFT design and development, and NFT sales contract customization.
4. ACGN Development
Starwave’s all-round production team can turn your ideas & stories into any ACGN (Animation, Comic, Game, Novel) forms, spreading your beliefs and values across the world. Meanwhile our highly skilled music production team can take your ACGN to the next level.
5. Project Investment
Starwave discovers and invest in high-potential early-stage projects and start-ups, supporting young talents to pursue their dreams, especially focusing on youth incubation and development.
From the above services and products tailored by Starwave, we will launch our first flagship metaverse NFT project – Souls of Wuxia – also as our first showcase for our Web 3.0 technologies, including all-in-one NFT arts generator dapps, which people can design, mix and match (generate) and upload their art pieces to blockchain first and second markets with smart contracts.
Souls of Wuxia Trailer by Starwave Group
Besides, Starwave also concerns about the utilities of NFT arts, which all owners hesitate to hold or buy more. To solve these problems, Starwave is developing another dapp for linking NFT users and ACGN developers. Therefore, NFT arts owners can act as an artist manager of their NFT avatars, and can deal the performance opportunities with famous cultural content creators, such as movies, music videos, and even charity events.
How has the industry been changing in recent years?
The blockchain and Web 3.0 industry is quite new to the most local people. From last year, the atmosphere of the industry in Hong Kong suddenly bloom out. You can see there are many bulge bracket investment banks and even big four CTA firms start to invest in metaverse, including real estate and land investments. Many local NFT projects have launched and traditional brands start to join the metaverse marketing. Unfortunately, the blockchain and Web 3.0 market have been fluctuated deeply this half year.
In fact, it’s a very normal situation. From Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 generation, we can see that the market was also blooming out and dying out in a short period, so that the large and significant firms can be survived at the end. Google, Facebook and YouTube are the very successful role models. Today, from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 generation, the change of market scales is indeed a good signal – we are really innovating the Web 3.0 space and we are on the right track!
What makes you different from what’s currently available in the market?
The meaning of Web 3.0 is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web which incorporate concepts as decentralization, blockchain technologies, and token-based economics. Decentralization means everyone can define and contribute to the Internet. These definitions are vital for my business model brainstorming with the team.
In the past few years, I’ve invested and participated in many famous NFT projects. I’m a game lover and feel sorry that the past NFT games really cannot fulfil my gameplay experiences. Last year, I purely wanted to develop a really playful game in the metaverse NFT world. Fighting game and martial arts are one of the most popular categories in the game field. Therefore, we decided to develop a martial arts game – Souls of Wuxia. During the development, I’ve found out 2 main interesting things.
Firstly, our IT team is really strong and the blockchain technologies make our development very fast and professional. We’ve used our own art generator dapp to generate 10,000 NFT PFPs (profile pictures) and also our mobile game design merged current most playful gameplay setting and decentralised concepts. These makes me to consider more about the business model of Starwave.
Secondly, the market change shows that NFT is not the destination of blockchain and Web 3.0 industry. More and more peer IT companies request us to assist their blockchain technology R&D. It reinforces my views of Starwave – we are not only an NFT gamefi company, we are indeed an IT company in blockchain and Web 3.0 industry.
The internal and external phenomenon of Starwave make us grow up and expand as a real IT company. Now, we are more focusing on the blockchain technology R&D to solve problems in physical and metaverse world.
What does the future hold for your company?
The blockchain technology R&D will be our key to be one of the most successful IT company in Asia. AI and machine learning components will put into our R&D centre. Recently, we are going to providing more and more metaverse solution projects to different traditional parties, including oversea tourism boards, property developers, cultural centres, and other blockchain and metaverse developers.
The incubation of next generation is our another long-term goal. To strengthen the influence of the blockchain market, we would like to develop strategic partnership with different industrial elites. We are looking forward to have more R&D collaborations in different markets. It helps us to promote blockchain and metaverse culture with youngsters while we have charity sharing with colleges and universities.
In Q1 2023, our first flagship NFT gaming project Souls of Wuxia will be officially launched. Stay tuned!