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Executive Interview
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   Executive Interviews   
An Interview with
Quinvir Investment Inc.
Managing Director


Ÿ Quinvir Investment is a highly-specialized Korean financial advisory and placement service firm focused exclusively on private equity, mezzanine finance, venture capital and cross-border M&A deals, taking initiatives to act as a bridge between capital and firms with technology and potential. We also seek to create positive economic impact and long-term value for our investors, the communities and the investee companies.


Ÿ Quinvir Investment offers differentiated and high-quality services based on the expertise and experience of the senior management team, combined with its exceptional networks covering not only the Asian regions but also the European and the North American markets.


Ÿ Quinvir Investment aims to expand its business model into multiple sectors both domestically and globally through a combinational group synergy among its subsidiaries: Quinvir Lab, Quinvir Network.


Ÿ Quinvir Investment 以遍布全球的网络为基础,为国内外的客户提供并购,融资,战略咨询等专业的金融服务。不仅仅在中国,香港,新加坡等亚洲国家,公司在北美和欧洲地区也保有丰富的资源和网络,特别是在医疗/保健/美容等领域内拥有丰富的经验,包括很多在中国和香港的跨境并购,不断地致力于为客户提供最优质全面的金融服务。同时,公司也不断地寻求与客户之间的合作共赢,共同为地域社会经济做出贡献。以此为基础,公司形成了以Quinvir Investment为中心,Quinvir Lab, Quinvir Network等子公司为辅,向全球不断扩张的事业版图。

Publish Date: 
13 November 2019

Tell us about your background, and how you came to found your company?

What is most important to you and your organization – mission, vision, or core values? Why?

Quinvir Investment seeks to provide better quality services to its clients by following the three visions as stated.


Challenge. We constantly challenge ourselves to provide more professional and better-quality services to our clients.


​Innovation. We pursue to combine the disciplined financial technics with innovative ideas to realize an outstanding and continuous investment return.


​Global. We aim to expand our global network through cooperationwith clients, partners and investee companies around the world.

Can you explain briefly how your service(s)/product(s) works?


How has the industry been changing in recent years?

What makes you different from what’s currently available in the market?

What does the future hold for your company?



Supplementary Information

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