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Admin - Executive Interview

Executive Interviews
An Interview with
Faride Shroff
Founder & Director
SENsational Consultancy
SENsational Consultancy strives to enable equal opportunities for people with different abilities and create an inclusive environment for all.We work to dispel common misconceptions about disabilities and use effective training methods to pave the way for an open-minded approach towards the inclusion of people with disabilities in the corporate world.
Tell us about your background, and how you came to found your company?
How can we do better next time?
What is most important to you and your organization – mission, vision, or core values? Why?
How can we do better next time?
Can you explain briefly how your service(s)/product(s) works?
How can we do better next time?
How has the industry been changing in recent years?
How can we do better next time?
What makes you different from what’s currently available in the market?
How can we do better next time?
Publish Date:
What does the future hold for your company?
How can we do better next time?
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